Saturday, April 14, 2007

Americans are so STUPID!

The other day, I was flipping through the channels, and came across the show Family Feuds, you might have heard of it.

Each of the family members of these two families had to try and answer the question of what countries women were hottest, and there were 6 answers, ranked 1 to 6, 1 being highest. The answers were based off a survey of 100 men.

The first person says some vague European country, I can't remember which. Then the second persons says London.

"Oh my god," I said to myself.

A few other people go, and then there is this one lady, who seems excited cause she has a good answer or something. She says firmly "Africa."

Shit, man. What is wrong with people.

What I thought was the worst came at the end. All the memebers had gone, and the first and highest answer had yet to be guessed. The host was like, "I have no idea what this one is," or something stupid like that. Then they show what it is, and it is
(drumroll please).

The United States of America.

Don't you love our country?

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