Saturday, February 17, 2007


I found this new band called Brazilian Girls. They aren't Brazilian, three out of four of the members are guys, the lead singer sings in five different languages, and I actually have no idea what genre their music is, but I think it's good, maybe. I'm not quite sure yet.

Also, this is (officially?) the third time I have posted today, wow.

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I think I'm a God.

or maybe just a god. I'm not trying to be self-centered or anything, I'm probably not a very impotant God, or god, whatever. I think I'm, like, the god of grapefruits, or people who eat them by peeling them, or people who bring one to eat on their way to the Chili Festival, and then drip some on their pants. That one would definitely be a god, not a God. Hmmm.
I realize that almost half of my friends I almost never see outside of school. It's kind of wierd. But then again, I spend about (lets see, 9-3:30 is 6 hours, so 6 times 5 is 30, then 24 times 7 is (120 plus 48) 168) 30 out of 168 hours in a regular week. That's a long time, considering I sleep about (average of 8 hrs. a day, times seven is 56) 56 out of the (168 minus 30) 138 hours left. That means that I would only have about (138 minus 56) 82 hours to hang out with them anyway. Of course this week I don't have school, so that would be an extra 30 hours, so I would have 86 hours. But then again, I'm trying to hang with peoples.

Well, that was quite and adventure, don't you think.
Bestest friends forever.
-Sasha, the cooh kid wid da orange hair

Today I woke up at 8:00 AM, on a SATURDAY
There must be something wrong with me.
And February break is officially going to be very long.

And I might have been just as bored as this monkey if it weren't for computers.whatever

Monday, February 5, 2007


"uh, excuse me sir, which of these roads leads to uh Zion, or maybe the Elysian Fields."

"that one right there. continue on for about five minutes, then take a left when you pass thru some old gates. once you're there, you can't miss it."


"no problem.:"

to be continued

i don't have time now, but later i will discuss such things as Heaven and Hell, and capital letters.

pretty cool.